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Since 2016 I have a bigger aquarium with the dimensions 200x80x60 cm (960 liter). The back-and rearwalls are from Juwel which I kept simple deliberately, because in future I want to have another (bigger) tank than this one.

To prevent breaking of the glass there are tempex plates lying on the bottom of 2 cm thickness. On this were placed rocks, Grauacke , and well-washed sand. After that the rest of the rocks were placed and the tank was filled with water. Further water treatment isn t necessary because the water values are suitable for the fish, according to our water company.

This aquarium is filtered through 2 filters. The first one is an Eheim-pot ( type 2213, 440 liter/hour ), only filled with cotton-wool.
The second filter is a JBL cristalprofi e1901 (1900 liter/hour). At first I connected this filter in the same way as my father did and led the outflow through a closed pvc-tube on top of my tank however when it became affected with mildew I was obliged to change this into a normal outflow.

For the lighting I use two Grolux 58W lamps from which one is burning from 9.30 to 23.30 and the other one from 12.00 to 20.00 This results in a good grow of algae on the rocks.

The temperature is practically continuous on 25-26 degrees Celsius.

I took over the "Anubias nana" from my old tank into this new one because the fish leave these plants alone very well. Furthermore I have one Microsorium pteropus and I also placed some Vallisneria spiralis in this new tank. Despite that the Vallisneria was being eaten in the beginning it s being left alone now.

Some pictures, from the left to the right.

In the beginning the population mainly existed of "mbuna s" from rocky habitats but in the course of time I changed it into fish from intermediate zones from rocks to sand. At the moment ( October 2017 ) I have the following species in it:

Cynotilapia aurifrons Chilumba , 1 male with 2 females
Hemitaeniochromis sp. spilopterus yellow Mdoka, 2 males with 3 females
Labeotropheus fuelleborni marmelade , 1 male with 4 females
Nimbochromis linni, 1 male with 1 female
Otopharynx sp. spots Sani, 1 male with 3 females
Petrotilapia sp. chitimba , 1 male with 2 females
Protomelas sp. spilonotus Tanzania , 1 male with 3 females
Rhamphochromis sp. lake chilingala , 1 male with 1 females

For the ones who think it s interesting to see my old tank, click on this link.( Previous aquarium, 2005-2016 )

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Contact: onzemalawicichliden@gmail.com